National Wildlife Federation


Technical Assistance Summary

For communities that are not familiar with nature-based approaches, have not yet undertaken pre-planning assessments (vulnerability, site suitability etc.), or have yet to identify target locations or potential projects: Engaging community leaders and community stakeholder groups to identify community needs, Working with community leaders and key community groups to develop a community engagement plan, Facilitating pre-planning assessments (ecological and built-infrastructure vulnerability assessments, shoreline suitability assessments etc.), Utilizing pre-planning assessments to engage communities in identifying potential project locations and project types

For communities that have a project concept that still requires engineering, design and permitting assistance: Assist in identifying and securing State-supported, or external funding to support project engineering & design, Facilitate a competitive process to identify an appropriate contracting engineer to develop project designs, Work with project engineer contractor, CZMP, and partner communities to submit and obtain project permits

For communities with a designed and permitted project that requires support for project implementation: Assist/lead in identifying State-supported and/or other funding sources to support project implementation, Assist/lead project team in developing funding proposals, Work with CZMPs & partner communities to submit and obtain any additional and/or unforeseen project permits, Facilitate/coordinate project construction, Assist/lead in amplifying project lessons learned, BMPs, innovative design etc.

Regions Served:


Areas of Expertise:

Outreach & Education, Permitting, Policy & Legal, Ecological Design & Techniques, Grants & Funding, Hazard Preparedness & Mitigation


Christopher Hilke

James Duffy

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