NJCRC workgroups provide technical assistance to coastal communities and offer guidance on and synthesize regional knowledge on areas of expertise.
The New Jersey Coastal Resilience Collaborative (NJCRC) has several workgroups dedicated to specific topics. These workgroups are comprised of representatives of partner organizations and other practitioners.
NJCRC workgroups provide technical assistance to coastal communities and offer guidance and synthesize regional knowledge on areas of expertise, such as ecological restoration and the beneficial use of dredged material. Workgroups may provide comments on proposed rules and documents, such as this letter submitted to the State of New Jersey to consider in the development of the NJ Climate Change Resilience Strategy.
The NJCRC’s leadership, along with the full Collaborative, are continuously working together to identify the next set of priority actions for the NJCRC with a focus on collaborative work spanning NJCRC partner expertise and interests. Partners may suggest the creation of a workgroup on a specific topic; with sufficient support from the partnership the NJCRC will support the proposed workgroup.
The Municipal Workgroup is a multi-sector workgroup of the NJCRC that aims to identify and help overcome municipal obstacles to resilience in New Jersey’s coastal communities.
Link to WorkgroupThe Coastal Habitat and Aquatic Resource Research and Monitoring (CHARRM) workgroup facilitates collaboration and communication among Mid-Atlantic resource managers, regulatory agencies, coastal habitat restoration practitioners and research scientists on current coastal habitat restoration, coastal resources, and associated data collection issues. CHARRM’s primary objective is to create an open forum to share knowledge, discuss current topics and increase efficiencies among these targeted groups. CHARRM’s action items are informed by member input, expertise and current needs in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Link to WorkgroupThe Ecological Restoration & Science (ERSWG) Workgroup is a multi-sector workgroup of the NJCRC that aims to represent the variable coastal geographies and scientific expertise in New Jersey.
Link to WorkgroupThe Technical Assistance Coffee Chat Workgroup leverages the existing NJCRC network of professionals and connects local stakeholders with practitioners from the government, non-profit, private, and academic sectors that can offer technical assistance to enhance coastal resilience by planning and implementing bi-monthly Coffee Chats.
Link to WorkgroupThe Beneficial Use Learning Network is a multi-organizational cooperative whose mission is to develop a shared understanding of restoration tactics using dredged sediment to enhance salt marshes and adjacent coastal habitats. This workgroup is focused on learning from and advancing on the ground restoration projects throughout the MidAtlantic; membership in the workgroup includes restoration practitioners, navigation managers, coastal engineers, and regulators.
Link to WorkgroupThe Field Site Visit Workgroup is charged with organizing and implementing site visits to coastal locations (completed restoration projects, preservation and/or ecological important areas, impaired sites, etc.), which support the efforts and goals of the other workgroups within the NJCRC.
Link to Workgroup